Linggo, Abril 12, 2015

                       Drilon is Most Trusted

Senate President Franklin M. Drilon today vowed to thank the public‘s trust through “meaningful hard work,” following the results of a recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey which showed rising public satisfaction to his work as leader of the upper chamber. 

“I am elated and humbled by the results of the latest SWS survey showing a renewed people’s trust and confidence to my office in the past months," Drilon said. 

He added: "I know that there is no better and more apt way to show to the Filipino people that I value and deserve their trust, than by working even harder, and fulfilling my duties to the Senate with greater zeal."

Drilon said that he will continue “to listen to the voice and will of the people,” which have always guided him in every decision he makes as a senator, and as a public servant. 

The first quarter SWS survey, which was conducted from March 20 to 23, 2015, showed that the Filipino people gave the Senate President a net satisfaction rating of a good +35 (with 57% satisfied and 22% dissatisfied), which is the highest among the country’s top officials. Drilon’s new rating, which increased by 7 points from a moderate +28 in December 2014, also shows a decrease in the percentage of people who were dissatisfied with his performance, with 25 % in December 2014 to 22 in March 2015.   

The Senate President also topped the recent Pulse Asia survey, which gave him a near majority public approval rating of 49%, higher than his 47% approval rating last November 2014. 

Drilon said that while he is grateful for the figures, he knows that the continued public appreciation to his work may not sit well with others, particularly his political opponents, who always attack him whenever he rises in the surveys. 

He said: “However, as public satisfaction to my office rises, I expect a renewed wave of negative propaganda against me and the Senate, especially in social media. The public should be more vigilant and discerning.” 

Drilon said that such attacks are not new or original, and that he is certain “that the public knows better than to entertain lies.”

Meanwhile, the SWS also recorded an increase in the net satisfaction rating of the Senate as an institution from a moderate +26 in December 2014 to a good +31 this March. - END

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